Thursday, December 20, 2007

More Commercial work.....or is it? can anyone tell where a couple of these were shot? let me know by leaving a comment what your thoughts are!


Friday, December 7, 2007


So I have been asked to put more photos on here, and I am trying I as busy with school so I am working on updating this as often as possible mostly with images from school. I noticed that I do not have portraits on here and thought it would be cool to show some of my favorite images!


Monday, November 26, 2007

Glassware...Commercial Studio

Glassware was the best time I have had so far in the commercial studio.... this friday we get to move to digital which is pretty exciting if you ask me! I will be shooting more and more glassware as the weeks go by.some on film and some on digital.

This week is a pretty busy week for us photography students...We have portrait studio where we just keep adding lights to see what the effects may be, then of course is commercial studio where we will be hooking up our digital backs to 4x5 studio stuff and probably my favorite thing this week will be Aerial Photography although I am a little nervous about being in a small plane that can only hold four people



Hey guys! So my Thanksgiving break just ended. Unfortunately, I could not come home for it,so I went out and did nighttime photography instead...some of them are trippy looking and I prefer them this way. The street is my street...right through the center of town


Sunday, November 25, 2007

Smith College Conservatory

Field Trip! We had an assignment that we needed to shoot in Northhapmton....a neighboring town where Smith College just happens to be. Gloomy and crowded on the streets, armed with my Mamiya and tripod, I was off to the conservatory and these are some of my favorite shots from that day!


Saturday, November 24, 2007

So I was asked to photograph a band called The Ghost Quartet at a local bar called The Rendevous. I happily obliged!!! My classmate Jim lent me one of the coolest cameras I have EVER photographed with, the Canon 5D with an attachable flash. The Ghost Quartet is a great band who play at The Voo (as we locals know it) or The Rendevous every monday night at Eight o'clock...well at least until the end of December.


Here are some more photos of Turners Falls and its first snow and I am sure not the last snow of the season....enjoy!



Welcome to my new photoblog! I have been encouraged by a few people to make one, and I agree, great idea. This photo here was taken BEFORE Thanksgiving, Yes it is hard to believe but there is that white stuff some of us know as snow on the ground. Crazy day. Some of my classmates had never even SEEN it before. Quite surprising to me at first, and they thought this was a lot! Boy are they in for it seeing as we are living in New England....