Monday, November 26, 2007

Glassware...Commercial Studio

Glassware was the best time I have had so far in the commercial studio.... this friday we get to move to digital which is pretty exciting if you ask me! I will be shooting more and more glassware as the weeks go by.some on film and some on digital.

This week is a pretty busy week for us photography students...We have portrait studio where we just keep adding lights to see what the effects may be, then of course is commercial studio where we will be hooking up our digital backs to 4x5 studio stuff and probably my favorite thing this week will be Aerial Photography although I am a little nervous about being in a small plane that can only hold four people


Anonymous said...

Awesome job, Lee! You did a great job. I miss you a lot!

erin said...

i think this one is gorgeous and amazing. my only comment is that u might not need those beans at the bottom bc the rest of it is so gorgeous you dont want to distract from the glasses :)